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Ever wonder why…

…the rest of the world doesn’t get to vote in US elections?

Why the rest of the world doesn't get to vote in US elections

Do you ever stop to think that maybe it’s because of the way people in this country vote compared to other countries that we are the leading economic, military, and social power in the world? And praytell, would any of you prefer some other country holding any of these positions? (Please leave a comment to let me know!)

I think the United States has done the job quite well compared to how any of the other candidates might have – say the USSR and Communism or an even more recent, ahem, “hostile ideology with global ambitions,” as a recent film I saw termed it.

But with the rhetoric and political leanings of some people I know, I really wonder if they would not have preferred living under the global domination of the USSR. They certainly don’t seem to have learned the little economic lesson that cold war provided to the whole world. Or perhaps they would like to try on for size life under the control of extremist “fundamental” Islamic jihadists? Thats is the only place I see these plans of apeasement leading.

But thats just me (and most people in this country), I guess.

2 Responses to “Ever wonder why…”

  1. Feel Free to Disagree » Kerry wins… in a Fashion Says:

    […] shion
    Filed under: Alles Politics — Erik @ 4:45 pm

    Though Ryan had a slightly diffrent take on this (, I think we need to get with the rest of the world […]

  2. Erik Says:

    “because of the way people in this country vote compared to other countries that we are the leading economic, military, and social power in the world?”
    I have no doubt we are the leaders in military, the US has a long history of loving to kick forgein ass butt.
    But I do doubt the economic. Sure we can through our weight around, but our internal ecomony perils in comparison to many european countries, especialy the nordic ones.
    And social… I am just not sure. How would some one judge a “social” leader?

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