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Taking Offense

Chatting with Angela about my disproportionate lack of interpersonal communication skills:

Angela: well ppl don’t just say “yes i was offended”
Ryan: I say that
Ryan: well, I don’t say that
Angela: what do you mean
Ryan: because I’m not offended by anything
Ryan: but, if I were offended I would say so
Angela: i know you would
Angela: not everyone does though
Angela: sometimes it can be kind of tactless to just outright say “i’m offended”
Ryan: well, that clearly makes them less cool
Angela: hey
Angela: sometimes i don’t say “i’m offended”
Angela: are you saying i’m less cool?
Ryan: are you offended by that?


One Response to “Taking Offense”

  1. Angela Says:

    Haha that was funny.

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