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Saturday, November 15, 2003
Moving from blogger
I am changing over from Blogger.com to greymatter hosted on silverfir.net itself. Until the switchover is complete, you can access the up-and-coming Blog here.
Does FedEx Rule or Drool?
Here's the latest tracking info on my digicam. Clearly, having it in Seattle in two days for a "Saver" package is amazing. Some questions, however, remain: why can't I just go into Seattle and pick it up today? Will it rally take until the 18th for it to arrive when its been in Seattle for Hours already? That would seem kind of lame. I'm gonna give FedEx a call and see what deal I can swing. Ship date Nov 13, 2003 Estimated delivery date Nov 18, 2003 by 4:30 pm Delivery location BELLEVUE WA Nov 15, 2003 6:55 am Left FedEx Ramp SEATTLE WA 2:19 am Arrived at FedEx Ramp SEATTLE WA Nov 14, 2003 6:46 pm Left FedEx Ramp PORTLAND OR 4:52 pm Arrived at FedEx Ramp PORTLAND OR 4:14 pm Left FedEx Sort Facility INDIANAPOLIS IN 12:06 am Left FedEx Sort Facility NEWARK NJ Nov 13, 2003 11:12 pm Left FedEx Origin Location BRANCHBURG NJ 4:50 pm Pickup status BRANCHBURG NJ Pre-routed meter pkg picked up
Freaky Friday
What is going on? No blog settings have changed, no erver settings have changed, yet now sftp doesn't seem to work to silverfir.net. No socket is established.
Sorry Dan: Cinerama Rules, Seattle Drools
The night was elaborately planned - well not that elaborately - but the plan was that I would pick up Heidi at her house, then we would meet Dan and company at Cinerama and Melissa would arrive as soon as she got off of work. It didn't quite happen that way. I left a bit later than I was planning, and on the interchange from I-90 to I-5 I made a bad decision and ended up getting off at James Street. I thought I could find I-5 further north and get back on, but I don't know that part of Seattle so well, and I got terribly lost. I finally got myself back on I-5 and ended up at Heidi's house about the same time the movie was supposed to be starting, only to find that Heidi had left to try to find me at Cinerama. So I headed back to Cinerama via Roosevelt. I turned off too soon and got lost again. After passing the Old Spaghetti Factory for the second time, I got my bearings and made it to Cinerama - an hour after the movie began. Heidi and I met up, and because Cinerama Rules we exchanged our 7:15 tickets for 10:30 tickets, free of charge. Did I mention that Cinerama Rules? But then we had two hours to burn. So Melissa took us all to this dancefloor/resturant place where her boyfriend works. It was the first 21+ venue I ever went into after they checked my ID. We didn't actaully dance, but we had a good time drinking free bottled water, chatting it up, and watching other people try to dance with various degrees of success. We returned to Cinerama, now all in one car instead of the two or three that we had before. We went in, were joined by two more friends of Heidi and Melissa from their church, and watched the movie to popcorn, nachos, and snicker poppables. I quite enjoyed the movie; while not edge-of-your-seat action, it had a very well done mix of action, drama, suspense, emotion and humor to create a very solid movie. Apologies and shout-outs Thats the good news. The bad news is that I kinda crapped on my friend Dan because of this whole fiasco. Dan, thanks for giving the ticket to the will-call people (I think) - we managed to get in without spending any additional cost. And thanks for inviting me in the first place, I really enjoyed the movie. To Heidi and Melissa - thanks for waiting for me and still hanging with me afterwards. I was honored to be with two beautiful women and very much enjoyed my evening, after I figured out how to drive in Seattle. Conclusions -I need a cell phone badly, so I can let people know whats up while in between land lines -I shouldn't attempt to drive in Seattle -Cinerama rules Friday, November 14, 2003
Today was interesting - I felt quite good at times and completely out of it at times. I learned that an older friend of mine passed away, I was ontime to work, I worked on cracking the admin password, in the hope that it is shared among multiple computers at the club, this is a runon sentence, I had periods of extreme productivity with periods of slack, I broke some tea plates, I satyed until after 4:30 helping out in the bar and then getting tix to Master and Commander for Heidi and Melissa. I'll be picking Heidi up at 6:15 ish and then meeting Dan at Cinerama ~6:30. The Parents went to Oregon, I have an entire day to myself tomorrow (!!!). I'm pretty excited, I'm going to try to make the day good. Now I'm off to pick up Heidi and see Master and Commander.
Got into BCC
BCC accepted me, no surprise there but its still a nice feeling. I will be going back to college come January!
After Polaris (15 minutes late) and the TRC meeting (sat around and talked about fundraising ideas while lego league teams worked) I went home, ate, and headed down to Blockbuster where it turns out I wasn't scheduled tonight. But It was Jared's birthday, and he wanted to swtich with me - I wasn't too keen on the idea though, because of work on Friday. So I declines, went to Freddy's, had my watch battery replaced, went home, and returned a call to Dan, who invited me to see Master & Commander at the Cinerama Friday afternoon. So I called Jared, and he was still up for seitching, so we switched. My current plan is to invite some coworkers along to driving down there makes a little more sense. Movies and stuff this week After the late fiasco, I took a week off of movies. But this week I got the first two terminators, Basic, X2, and pulp fiction. I'm researching cell phone plans so I'll have one while on the roadtrip. And I bought a digicam, the Canon Powershot s45 - 4mpix 3x zoom compacteroodoo. Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Methinks I'll like New Orleans
[16:35:41] Me: maybe you can all be friends [16:36:17] Her: no that doesn't happen [16:36:46] Me: no friends in sororities? [16:37:02] Her: no [16:37:08] Me: why don't you all just get drunk and naked or something? [16:37:17] Her: exactly
I read a book by that title once; I thought the book was quite good. The reason I bring it up now is that my wristwatch died - probally the battery. It has served me well for a number of years, and now I must decide either to buy a new one (the current model has scratches) or just replace the battery (the old one works fine, after all). Talked to Brenda Back in the day, I would talk to Brenda all the time. Then a while back she seemed to fall off the face of the world. Today, we talked again. She got married, that must have been the reason for the sudden change. It was nice, but things just aren't like they used to be. One week In one week, I will get my second-to-last paycheck from Polaris. On it may be pay for all my vacation days and back pay for when I hosted but was only paid my Server Assistant wage, or perhaps not. If both items are included, I said i would work Thanksgiving from 12-6. If both items are not included, I will not work Thanksgiving. I am knd of hoping for the latter, but trurthfully, I think either outcome is pretty good. Tuesday, November 11, 2003
I'm 21
Kinda crazy, but I'm now 21. I had a pretty great day. At the resturant I was treated to breakfast (eggs benedict) and lunch (salmon and prawns louisiana style) and then my mom fixed me an awesome salmon-potatoe dinner. I then went over the Scott's house and sat around in a hot tub playing mafia until midnight. Then I came home, played a little CS, and now its time to hit the sack again. In other news I applid to BCC, the road trip is definately happening, although details still need to be hammered out. I plan on starting at BCC in January, then transfering to the UW whenever they let me in, probally Spring or Fall. In two weeks, I'll be completely unemployeed - both liberating and somewhat scary simultaneously. More liberatng though. Monday, November 10, 2003
Closering at Blockbuster
And yes, that is "Closering" - Jason, the bestest MOD at Issaquah Gilman blockbuster - is also known as "The Man(ager)." This is because when you close with him, you know you'll be walking out fo the store just about 15 minutes after close no matter what. We closed at 1:00 am yesterday and walked out at 1:23 blockbuster time - and only because he had the unprecedented task of counting all the money in the entire store due to $70 some dollars missing (not out of my till, btw ;-). Today, Johanna and I closered, and while I walked out of the store at 1:48ish, I got to watch her walk around, drink some pop, walk around, move some things, walk around, etc until 1:03 - which is an entire 48 minutes after we are supposed to be out of the store. I don't care so much that she's slow, but when I have work at 7:00 later on and its her duty to manage the shift so we can be out by 12:15, it doesn't make me very happy. In other news, since I'm not sure if Jason passed on word to Michelle, I wrote a note to her today making it official. Tomorrow is the day for Polaris - I still have to figure out what I'm going to do with Michael. Sunday, November 09, 2003
Braodband is back!
I felt like counterstike, it warmed up, and I was awake at 1:30 anyway (due to closing at blockbuster) so I decided I might as well try to get some broadband again. It turns out the RP-SMA pigtail died while acting as strain relief, probally in the fall earlier (it came apart today while I was moving the antenna today). The current setup uses a one inch binder and string. We'll see how it holds up. Sorry everybody Well, frisbee didn't work out so well today, which is really unfortunate, because a few people actaully showed up. I woke up at 11:55, rushed down to Robinswood by 12:15, and no one was there when I left at 12:25. Dan was apparently there right at noon, Heidi showed up (which is really cool, sorry Heidi that nobody else was there), and Shai made it by but later. So basically we had enough people to get something started, and Ananth had some more people coming, but because no one saw each other and we all got there at different times, nothing worked out. Shai and I planning an advertising campaign at BCC, DigiPen, and around town to get people there next Saturday. Two Weeks Notice Not only is it the name of a movie at blockbuster, its what I gave to blockbuster today. By the way, Jason is the MAN (ager)! Speaking of which, I missed my due date on my "free" rentals, so I got to pay $21.70. Ouch! On the other hand, I got paid and they paid me more than that. Time to play some CS! Friday, November 07, 2003
The WET-11 Lives!
Based on a suggestion by Dan of Carputer fame, I decided not to give up on the WET-11 just yet. I brought it back out, made sure everythine was plugged in nice and tightly, downloaded the updated setup utility, made myself a smoothie, and low and behold, the WET-11 rose from the ashes and seems to be working fine again. Now all I have to do is get it to associate with one of the impossibly far-away wireless APs while ignoreing the spetacularly close WRG-54 broadcasting my dialup currently. And right now its a little cold for me to be hanging out the window trying to find fleeting wireless signals without a strong desire to play counterstrike. |
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