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Days In Review

The last two days haen’t gone too well from a resolution standpoint. After gettting donr with my presentation in my technical writing class and a major homework deadline in my electri circuits class, i forgot all about the libert6y forum and instgead ended up playi ng basket bll with a church grouop until a bout 11:00. I started out poorly, but e nded with the wi n ni ng shot so it nturned out o0k, After getti ng home, i i set to work on lau ndry and encded up satyi ng up uiuntil abou t twso amj playing cs wyhile w azitiing for the dr yer to finish up. Redsukltaz ntly, i d idn’t msake it uinto work u ntil s bout noon o n thursdasy .I stayeed late sin ce all i had in teh wiriti ng 2was listeni ng to presentstio ns. last night wassd a bnout /the same, bu twithoput thne lau dnry. I did well, but tgot to sleepo prewtty lastge. I still made uit into weork, todasy. Pretty mcuh no0thi ng welse on the lists got done thosre days. c

Now i am in a cafe in seattlw iqwht dan and jay marashm wiri9tn g thsisw piost on dan;s journada.c in cawse4 you hav ew nm;t noticed, i am no vgoo d at typi ng on this kry board. i gave up try7i ng to fix the writ6jgn a whiel ago since it was taki9ng too long. I hope you are a ble tgoi u nderawstgand the post.l

2 Responses to “Days In Review”

  1. nordsieck Says:

    mega-uber-multi post

  2. Ben McElroy Says:

    Proving once again that we read word “shapes” not letters. Interesting how we do that. Sorry you missed the liberty forum thingy. Glad you got some basketball in though! Just tone down the CS playing there. Now I got to keep myself occupied while the fiancĂ© is busy researching at Cornell…

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