Geocache Partying
I’ve been tossing around the idea of a pseudo birthday party for a while now, and today the idea finally gelled. So here’s the scoop.
If you think you might be invited, you probably are, and I just haven’t figured out how to contact you yet. Instead, I encourage you to contact me and get details. That is, if you want to come and party hardy. Or something like that. But onto the details:
There are two parts: first, a geocaching expedition that starts at noon. We’ll pack lunches, then head out in search of a geocache somewhere nearby. Since I’ve never done this before, I’ve budgeted a good amount of time (about four hours) to finding a fairly difficult geocache – I figure I should start with something decently challenging. If it goes much quicker than expected, maybe we can go find a few more, or make one ourselves. If it doesn’t go so well, oh well. Good exercise and a god mental exercise as well.
The second part is a pretty normal food – dessert – party thing. At around 5, the brave geocachers will return from the expedition and prepare for food. Others may join them at this point, for dinner and probably something like cake or ice cream and maybe a movie or something. You can probably tell how well planned this is. Anyway, it’ll be fun.
November 30th, 2004 at 08:05:36 am
[…] The next morning, I awoke late, enjoyed breakfast, and then people started to arrive for the party. With Scott, Dan, Colin, Theo, Ben, Kaylee, Jim, and Julie ready to go, we began to fi […]
November 24th, 2004 at 11:09:05 pm
hmm… Din’t know anyone else geocached :). But 4 hours for one cache will be way to much, either you will find it in the first 1hr or probably not at all (baring a 8 step multi-chache). But yah, I actualy own 2 chaches.