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Finals Done, Now Back to Work

I finished up my last two finals yesterday. The 305 final was hard and got moved at the last minute, but I think I did alright overall, especially considering that pretty much everyone found it hard. The 303 presentation went well, especially considering that the other group that did the same project as us made a huge mistake in their design. Props to Christine for figuring it out for us.

Now I am back to work (I took Friday and Monday off for final projects and tests). I’m looking forward to making a little money, hanging with the BioE’s at tonight’s party, and then later on, heading on over to Bobby’s for a somewhat more eclectic gathering. It should be fun.


I went with Theo to see the movie 300 last night. It was alright; unfortunately it could have been great, but it was screwed up in too many places to really excel. Perhaps the worst part is that Theo, who has read the graphic novel that the movie is based on, told me that most of the parts I liked the least were not parts of the graphic novel the movie was based on, but rather were added in by the movie makers themselves.

Oh well, not every violent movie can be Apacalypto.

Before the movie, Theo and I made it to the top of Lincoln Sqaure… it is harder now, but still barely possible.

Update: Forgot to give this one a rating. Lets say, 2.0/5

Jones Be Gone-A-Thon

Last Friday after work and some chemical energy replenishment, I made my way to Slate, the (former) house of a certain Ryan Jones. Jones, as we took to calling him after our names conflicted (presumably because it’s easier to say than “McElroy”) is a great Frisbee player and a great man. That Friday night he and and his housemates were throwing a party to celebrate his imminent departure. He is headed to Africa with the Peace Corps — leaving later today — for what I am sure will be a grand adventure and an enriching experience for all. Good luck and Godspeed, Jones.

Longer Days

Well, its been a few days. Eventful days.

Tuesday night, I didn’t go to sleep. I stayed up all night working at perfecting my C coding skills, which I now consider perfected. Or at least I have become one with pointers to pointers, which I guess isn’t quite the same thing.

Wednesday I faded in and out of consciousness then went to sleep gloriously early, at 8:00pm. I slept 13 hours and was almost on time to my first class on Thursday.

Friday I worked and then helped Dan set up a wireless network at the Joint Practice field before eating at Northlake Pizza.

Saturday, was working on a CSE group project all day (more tomorrow too), then celebrating Courtney’s 23rd 22nd Birthday at Wild Ginger. I still owe her a gift.

Finally, I want to get rid of the Ford Escort, but I haven’t yet found the time. If I know you and you want it, you can have it. It doesn’t look good and it no longer runs good. But, it might not be completely worthless, especially to someone who has time and knowledge. Otherwise I will look into donating it or junk yarding it. I am also interested in other solutions anyone out there might have, but I am not interested in solutions that involve me spending time on it, such as parting it out.


I had a great time ushering in the new year — and I’m glad I have so many great friends. May this year bring happiness and prosperity.


Adam: so hows life going
Ryan: well, malalignment of romantic expectations is always a bummer
Adam: what?
Ryan: girls
Adam: yeah
Adam: that is a bummer man

Icy Wonder

The cold weather as of late caused a pretty cool thing to happen tonight — the water in Drumheller Fountain at the UW froze over. However, this alone is not remarkable. What is remarkable is the sound that rocks skipping over the ice create.

Check it out (.wmv) [3.2 MB]. Staring Ryan with a speaking role and Christine with the rock-throwing role.

Of course, it’s even better in person!