Graduate Student TA
Starting today, that’s me!
My Amazon manager keeps asking me if I’ve changed my mind about grad school. But I haven’t, of course. For what can Amazon do to compare to these classes that are looking particularly interesting?
CSE 490H (3) — Distributed Systems (Ed Lazowska)
CSE 505 (3) — Programming Language Concepts (Dan Grossman)
CSE 564 (3) — Security and Privacy (Tadayoshi Kohno)
CSE 573 (3) — Artificial Intelligence I (Dan Weld)
CSE 519 (1) — CSE Current Research
CSE 520 (1) — CSE Colloquium
I think I’m expected to pair that down to 3 “real” courses. Ha!
For three years, I have watched my Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) reports slowly fill out as more and more red NOs turned to yellow IPs (in progress) and finally to green YESes. Today, for the first time, I ran a DARS report to see:
B S in Computer Engineering
Prepared for: Ryan Edward McElroy
Graduation Date: SPR/2008
Program Entry Qtr: SPR/2006
Date prepared: 6/18/08 – 01:03
** All requirements have been satisfied ***
Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering
Prepared for: Ryan Edward McElroy
Graduation Date: SPR/2008
Program Entry Qtr: SPR/2006
Date prepared: 6/18/08 – 01:03
** All requirements have been satisfied ***
That, my friends, makes it official.
Final cumulative GPA: 3.73. Cum Laude (top 10%).
Finish strong baby.
Course | Course Title | Credits | Grade | Grade Points |
BIOEN 499 | SPECIAL PROJECTS | 2.0 | X | 0.00 |
CSE 431 | INTRO THEORY COMPUT | 3.0 | W4 | 0.00 |
CSE 481 | CAP SOFT DESIGN | 5.0 | 3.9 | 19.50 |
E E 400 | ADV TOPICS E E | 4.0 | 3.7 | 14.80 |
E E 400 | ADV TOPICS E E | 2.0 | 3.8 | 7.60 |
Graded Credits Attempted |
Grade Points Earned |
Grade Point Average |
Total Credits Earned |
11.0 | 41.90 | 3.81 | 11.0 |
Saturday Morning: CSE Departmental Graduation. Lots of CSE friends in attendance. I won an unexpected “Undergraduate Service Award” for volunteering a lot for CSE events. Jacob Nelson won a well-deserved Bob Bandes TA award for his excellent work as a TA in CSE 467 — the 3D video card class. The presenter read one of my quotes during the presentation of the award. Christine talked to me during the reception afterwards (she was attending for/with someone else) and my mom broke her shoe, so I had to fix it. Thats the way things go sometimes.
Saturday Afternoon: UW Graduation. Quincy Jones spoke, I thought it was mostly good with a few odd places, but overall a good speech. Listening to all of the Ph.D.’s names was painfully long, but it was nice and sunny (I have the burn to prove it) and I was seated with friends so life was good. We finally got to walk and received nice diploma holders with (of course) fake diplomas in them. The ceremony lasted a little over 4.5 hours; we began queuing an hour before that. So it was a long day already.
Saturday evening: Graduation party. Lots of friends and family showed up. We had great food and I had a great time.
Now I have one week off before I start up at for a summer internship!
Tonight was the Bioengineering department’s 2008 graduation ceremony. It was well-attended, well-executed, and thoroughly enjoyed. :-)