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Seattle to Provo

After taking the CSE 326 final, which I finished up by 10:50, I headed back to my place to pack for the trip and to consolidate the rest of my stuff into my room. I finished that up around noon, and then headed to Bellevue to meet up with the parents before heading out to Utah. One truth about my family is that no matter how much time you take, someone in my family will always take longer. So, my mom didn’t show up until well after 3:00 (the Highlander needed to be washed, of course), and yet my Dad (who had all morning) didn’t finish packing until after my Mom was done. Then, of course, my mom needed to make herself some food. I managed to get us out the door (after watching most of Minority Report) before 5:00, I think.

At any rate, we stopped in Baker City the first night, then made it to Salt Lake yesterday. I stayed with Ben and Kaylee last night, and then attended the graduation this morning. After touring the BYU campus (so much the same, but also some very new buildings as well), we headed back to my Brother’s place, got the U-Haul, and started loading it up. And up, and up. Now almost everything is in the Truck. Tomorrow morning sometime, I’ll be on my way to East Lansing, Michigan!

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