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Identical Quadruplets

A Canadian woman has given birth to extremely rare identical quadruplets.

The four girls were born at a US hospital because there was no space available at Canadian neonatal intensive care units.

Yay socialized medicine!

Summer School is Out!

A little earlier today, I finished up my CSE 461 Networks Final. Predicted grade is a 4.0 ;-)

This means that I am done with summer school, for what should be forever!

To add to the delight, it is a beautiful day.

Libertarian Paternalism / Libertarian Benevolence

Via Adventures in Smarshland, a great paper titled “Libertarian Paternalism is not an Oxymoron.” Read it. Lets discuss it.


On my way back to the U-district after work on Tuesday, the sunroof on my car, a 1996 Saturn SL1 Sedan, stopped moving when I was trying to close it. This was a long time in coming — for a while I have had to help the motor get the job done by pulling or pushing on the roof as it opened and closed. So when it finally stopped moving, I suspected that the motor had died. It was a good day to have the roof stuck open, as it was nice and sunny. I took a few parts of the car apart to take a look at the motor, but it ends up that the real problem (apart from the physical friction) was a burnt out fuse. Replacing it allowed the sunroof to be closed. Apparently, ’96 Saturn sunroofs have a corrosion problem, so I am not alone. At some point, I will get around to checking to see how much it might be to get it fixed.

NTFS Undelete

A little program that does exactly what it says, does it perfectly, and does it with a remarkably well-designed user interface.


Sunshine is a movie.

Sunshine is an Epic Sci-Fi Thriller.

I spent a while coming up with that genre.

4.5/5 — A


No asterisk.