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On Wednesday I went to see Transformers with Courtney and Dan after finishing up some Human Subjects Training for my Capstone lab group as well as some CSE 461 Networks homework. I missed Shai in my text message advertising the event. Sorry. Anyway, we went to see it at Lincoln Square. The movie could have been pretty good, but instead it was pretty lame. It still had me hoping for about 2/3rds that it might end up pretty good, but it just didn’t fulfill. Still, it wasn’t terrible, I guess. And the company was good. 2/5.

Worst Day of My Life

But I’m doing alright, so don’t worry.



I just got back from Lincoln Square where I ended up watching Ratatouille with Dan. And, simply put, Pixar has done it again. Another masterpiece in their growing collection of fine offerings, I’m pretty sure that this was the funniest movie I’ve seen in a while and it left me happy and fulfilled to boot. Highly recommended!

Ratatouille Movie Poster

Riding in From Redmond

I woke up late and had no Capstone class today, so I went to work after my Networks class. As has become my custom when going to work in the afternoon, I took the 545 bus across the lake and then biked from the Bear Creek Park and Ride to Microvision. At work, I found a bug in the scanner that was mistaken for a bug in the ATF code; then I tightened up the ATF code a little anyway. After finishing up, I decided to bike home since most of my testing duties are on hold until additional units arrive.

I left work a little after 7:00, and started what I consider the real trip at 7:15, on the Sammamish River Trail heading North. Somewhere around Kenmore, the same trail becomes the Burke-Gilman Trail and heads back down to Seattle. The ride was very nice, but still challenging, as I was pushing myself. I completed the approximately 25 miles in about 1:45 before stopping at Safeway for some groceries. I think I could go somewhat faster on my road bike, as I feel that I lose a lot of energy to the shocks, larger tires, and more pliant frame of the mountain bike that I generally take to school. Oh, also, I’m always clipped in when I take the road bike, whereas I am only rarely clipped in on the mountain bike (which has dual platform/spd pedals).

Along the way, I passed the park where I started a geocaching expedition several years ago as well as numerous walkers, roller-bladers, and cyclists. A number of cyclists also passed me — I am pretty sure I was the swifted mountain bike on the trail, however. Somewhere past the halfway mark, I came across an area where a vast expanse of Lake Washington was visible with the Olympic mountains in the background. It was beautiful, but I didn’t think to take a picture at the time.

Once I got home, I made myself a burger for dinner — its been a long time since I’ve done that. It was quite good. I then settled in to watch the Mariners finish beating the Red Sox. A good day indeed.

Junior Returns to Town — And to Form

Well, I think Jon chose the right day to invite me and Maura to the ballpark to watch Ken Griffey Junior’s first baseball playing trip back to Seattle since he was traded to the Reds. The Reds had two runs — both on solo home runs by Griffey — but the Mariners won on some late game clutch hitting and an awesome suicide squeeze play. Here is a picture I managed to capture of Griffey hitting his second home run:

Griffey hits his second home run of the game

It was good to see him do better than his somewhat abysmal game one performance that I watched on TV. It was also nice to see the Mariners eek out a close one. I haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, but I certainly haven’t given up on the season either. Thanks to Jon for getting the tickets; we all enjoyed the game:

Mt. Si — June 2007

On Saturday, in lieu of a using the beautiful day to play Frisbee, I was invited on another hike. Since Sunday’s Mariner’s game plans crapped all over my Sunday (mega)hike plans with Danielle & co, I decided to go on Saturday instead. Sure, I ended up hiking Mt. Si again, but this tiem the weather was great and some good pictures were had. The company was good too; Whitney from church brought her friend (CRAP I can’t remember her name). They were fun to hike with.

We made it to the top of the haystack this time and I took some pictures.

More hiking please!
