Posted on Thursday 2006.03.16 at 11:06 am in
By Ryan McElroy
I just took my last final. This is usually a cause for celebration, but in this case, it made finals end on a sour note. After cruising through a Bioengineering final in 26 minutes (out of two hours), feeling great about my Ochem final (a very rare occurence indeed — the last time I felt good about an organic chemistry test was May 2002!), and tearing up a CSE final, I ended it all by generally sucking at a Biology final. My propensity to proactively BS helped a bit, I am sure, but unfortunately I just hadn’t studied enough — some combination of the party going on here last night and generally not caring about the class after the plant physiology teacher took over from the much more engaging animal physiology teacher took its toll, I guess.
My predictions for grades this term — not based on any actual numbers I have calculated, but just from instinct:
Bioengineering 201: 3.7
Chemistry 238: 3.0
CSE 370: 3.8
Biology 220: 3.4
If my predictions are anywhere near accurate, it will be certainly not as nice as last quarter, but not a bad performance either. Certainly, biology is a bit disappointing, and there’s no really good reason for me to not have gotten 4.0’s in BioE and CSE, but I’d be happy with a 3.0 in Ochem — and frankly, thrilled with anything above a 3.3 in that class.
Posted on Wednesday 2006.03.08 at 7:18 pm in
By Ryan McElroy
Saturday, Midnight-3:00am
Sunday, 8:00pm-3:00am
Monday, 10:00am-noon; 4:00pm-2:00am
Tuesday, 10:00am-6:00pm
3 hours + 7 hours + 12 hours + 8 hours = 30 hours. One project. Now, I can read magstipe cards.
The aftermath: Woke up at 1:00pm today; missed the easiest quiz in the same class today. Lost more points than the lab was worth. Life kinda sucks that way.
Posted on Friday 2006.02.24 at 1:26 am in
By Ryan McElroy
While many good things have been going on recently, not everything has been hunky-dory. I missed my CSE 370 homework this week, and did pretty terribly on a very difficult (and poorly written) Organic Chemistry test. Test-wise, I’m feeling below-average vibes for myself, with an average of around 40%. I’ll let you know how that prediction pans out.
Posted on Thursday 2006.02.23 at 2:23 am in
By Ryan McElroy
The word on the street proved to be true as I recieved a response from the CSE department tonight — and I am happy to report that I have been accepted into the CSE department for Computer Engineering.
I took the occasaion to accept the offer of admission into both Bioengineering and Computer Engineering.
Thank you all for your help in getting me to this point.
By Ryan McElroy
After submitting my applications two weeks ago, I didn’t worry about anything until I heard from bioengineering on the 15th. Now, I’ve suddenly become considerably ore worried about my admissions to computer engineering. Waiting was fine, it seemed, until I got a taste of what knowing was like. Now I have an inkling of what Dan must have gone thrugh in his months of waiting to hear back about his super secret spy job.
Posted on Wednesday 2006.02.15 at 1:45 pm in
By Ryan McElroy
I’m having a pretty incredible day so far. After getting a CSE 370 quiz back that I aced, I had a good chat with my Bio TA, then came down to the CSE labs to add some money to my Husky Card account (very useful for quick lunches – such as I am about to have with Marisa). Down in the lab, I ran into Alex, my CSE 143 TA from last quarter, and we got a chance to catch up on everything thats happened recently. Then I checked my email to find… (drumroll please) that I just got accepted into the UW Bioengineering program!
One down, one to go!
Posted on Tuesday 2006.02.14 at 11:40 pm in
By Ryan McElroy
I got to spend the day at school and the night reading and writing. In other news, the Lincoln Square Tower is a great place to study Organic Chemistry: