Posted on Friday 2004.03.12 at 9:07 am in
By Ryan McElroy
I slept from about 6:00 pm last night to about 8:30 this morning…. thats over 14 hours. It was wonderful. Now I’m just going to eat breakfast, do some last minute studying for my calculus midterm, and then go ace that bad boy at 10:30…
I haven’t had much music recently recause the firewire cable to my external harddrive with all my tunes is being loaned to someone for DV editing purposes. I may have to invest in another. Also, I need to finish transitioning to oasis as silverfir. Right now that is a stalled project.
So much good stuff to do!
Posted on Thursday 2004.03.11 at 5:18 pm in
By Ryan McElroy
I interviewed today for the Software Test Intern position at Microvision. About an hour ago, I recieved a call with the good news that they were offering me the job. I start Monday and I am very excited. I will be working in the Flic division, which are portable wireless barcode scanners and application, testing out the scanners in pretty much every concievable manner possible.
I am terribly tired, and I think I need to sleep if I am going to think normally ever again, which would be useful for the calculus midterm I have tomorrow.
By Ryan McElroy
I did surprising well considering no sleep. I plan on sleeping tonight, I’ve been lsightly out of it all day, and I slept a bit while Rich did the real work on the calculus homework. I need to be strong tomorrow to finish off my photography assignment and, perhaps, attend the republican caucauses.
Other than being nearly stoned all day, it was pretty uneventful. I stocked all sorts of canday at work, so stop by and see my handiwork sometime. Windows Movie Maker keeps crashing (due to DivX?) so I have to invest in a real solution. Perhaps Pinnacle? Larry seems to like it.
By Ryan McElroy
I locked myself out of my truck when I went to take pictures outside my house… so not my backback and my extra film is in there, making it rather difficult to get some planned things done until another key arrives. Fortunately, I am not working today, so at least I don’t have any pressing time committments, but now I can’t upload pictures and videos from the practice robotics competition like I was going to, shoot another roll for the abstract assignment, study my calculus textbook… At least its a beautiful day.
By Ryan McElroy
Today, the official transcripts from BYU finally arrived in the mail. I put them in an envelope with the transcripts from BCC and drove to the UW to drop them off personally. Even though its almost two weeks after the deadline, the office accepted them with no problem � apparently the deadline, as with many other admission guidelines, is flexible. Of course, I suspected this, since last time I applied to the UW during my senior year in high school, I didn�t get everything in technically on time, and I was still accepted. Now it�s just the waiting game to see if they�ll let me in a second time. I think my chances are good, but then I�m ridiculously self-confident.
For a random diversion, check out this way to cook a salmon.
In photography, we did sepia toning. The redeveloper has a pretty terrible sulfurous smell to it. Glad we only had to deal with it for one day. We also did show and tell of our self-portraits. I chose the solarized shoes and the sprinkled-on developer prints because they were the most interesting, even if they weren�t necessarily the best technically. He didn�t have much negative to say about the prints, which I hope is a good sign for the grade on this� That�s one thing that annoys me about art classes – there is so much subjectivity. Maybe that�s what attracts others. It takes all sorts, I suppose.
Registration for Spring quarter at BCC starts March 2, and now I have to start thinking about what I�m going to take.
By Ryan McElroy
Using: Mozilla Lightningdragon
I�m up to about 92% better now; I still have a lingering cough, but physically I�m fine otherwise. I had fun at tennis, although I arrived a little late, then talked to the woman from Poland to help her with her English, something I do maybe twice a month. Next came math (gradients!) and then I spent the next four hours in the darkroom. I now have enough pictures, I think, to turn in tomorrow. It�s just a matter of selection and touch-up at this point. Dust is still my nemesis, but I have developed some fairly good anti-dusting techniques that seem to be working. First I take a brush and quite violently chip away any deposited dust from the negative, then I brush away the finer dust, then I spay the thing with canned air all the way back to the enlarger. It works about 75% of the time. The other 25% of the time, I scream. And then repeat the process.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have school, which will consist of just a Math and turning in my assignment (I don�t know if I need to stick around), then work, and then right after work I�m headed off to see Lord of the Rings at the Cinerama. After that three-and-a-half hour marathon, I will return home, then sleep, then go to tennis where hopefully I will have figured out who, besides Michael Change, served underhand in a major tournament.
By Ryan McElroy
100/103 on the calc test. Lots of darkroom time tomorrow for the self-portrait assignment. I have dust problems. Dust, and good calc test score make me think of counterstrike. This post will be short.