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I implemented Tim’s suggested tweaks to improve the look of the page in IE. I’m not sure how far down that road I want to go though. After all, when someone asks me why it looks a little funny, I can tell tehm that they are simply using the wrong browser, and set them straight. It just might be a great way to spead Firefox.

Tray It!

A nice little program I discovered at work, Tray It! lets you minimize any window to the system tray. Its free, small, unobstrusive, and in my case, ridiculously useful. There are a few programs that offer the same abilities, but some of them appear to be shareware or demoware… and if they’re as easy to use as Tray It! is (all you have to do is hold control while minimizing), then I would be surprised. Congrats to the Tray It! team for a job well done.

Checksum Arcanius

A long-promised, long-overdue event occured today: I finally updated the look of my site. It isn’t perfect – in IE, it has a few rendering glitches – but I don’t view it in IE very often, so I don’t care. If someone wants to help me out in this area, feel free. Otherwise it may be a while (just this update certainly took its time).

Let me know what you think. I like it myself. But then I suppose I wouldn’t have done it otherwise :-D.

Game Madness!

The Game

Stars have been added to protect the the innocentThe guilty…

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Tonight, I compiled a CD of bedtime stories read aloud by myself and my parents for my nephew, Joska. I reinstalled some utilities I have used before, and was pleasantly surprised with how well everything worked. My dad had recorded the storytelling onto CDs using his equipment. I ripped it to WAV using Exact Audio Copy, then I edited the files using Audacity, an open source sound editor that has made some notable improvements since when I last used it (I didn’t remember the name so I had to go find it again as well). When all the files were amplified to my liking, I then used Nero Express to burn the tracks to a disc, and I finally have one Christmas present down… only several dozen more to go. Speaking of which, I started my Christmas shopping today, but it didn’t go so hot – Bellevue Square was downright uninspiring – I ended up with only one item from the entire mall. Costco was a little better, and Target was better still… but I haven’t gone shopping in so long, that I don’t really know what’s out there, so there’s a lot of browsing to do, which is unfortunate considering my compressed time scale. Oh well, another adventure I guess.

Game v3, pt 2

Take a look at this screenshot of what is, for some reason, my favorite game recently. If the server doesn’t crash or get shut down accidently, you can play it yourself.

I propose that we establish a time for everyone to get together and play the game at the same time. Its really a lot more fun with more people. What times are good for people? Maybe every Saturday night at midnight Pacific Standard Time? Let me know!

Such a loving company

This is why I’m such a fan of Apple.