The Worst Thing…
I think that the worst thing that ever happened to my ability to completely read books was a laptop computer. When the computer can go anywhere I can, almost as easily as a book, there are plenty of excuses to hop on it (check email is a good one), and plenty of reasons to stay on (get involved in an IM conversation), and the reasons to leave (sleep, books) never seem complelling enough until they are already by the wayside. Thus, I write this at home, already having missed 10 minutes of my class; I don’t know if I’ll even make it there today, since, well, I’m on my computer…
February 23rd, 2005 at 02:56:46 pm
silly! computers are for work! (he says as he blasts dangerous aliens apart on a ring world known as Halo…) Funny how time-consuming computers can be when they were originally designed to ease repititious tasks…